We educate you to become a better trader

  • Learned more in charting and strat in last 5 days.. and really started at neg 0. Thanks for taking the time.


  • Great job today guys, my account is up almost 15% today and I didn’t even get out of bed till noon, was a late night working.. would have made even more if I just went back to bed 3:30ish :rofl: Have a great weekend!


  • Klutch and Chart Tech both helped with teaching me to trust the process and not the money. I have a long way to go to recoup some losses but today was a start.


  • Are you still looking for an alert? Well u can join oracle and alert yourself :chart_with_upwards_trend:. Since i joined oracle investing on 4/9/2020 i started 4.1k account and now its at 20.5k. I am taking out 16k and gonna start with 4k again tomorrow. Thanks for your help mods and members:pray_tone1:


  • I am about a month into trading and I am not going to lie, had no clue about how options worked. I lost 8.7k less than a week trying to force things my way. After sessions and talks with the mods and everyone here, I recouped back some money from 1.8k to 6k alone this week. Huge shout out to everyone here and special thanks to @jp94ark (max gainz) and @Doc for not giving up on me. Can’t thank you all enough and excited to learn more :smile:


  • I started getting serious about trading about 2-3 months ago. I read everything I could and watched hours of videos. After 3 weeks in I had nothing to show but a steady decline in my investment. After my first full week here I made a 78% profit. I also know where I made my mistakes and what I can work on to get better. If you are willing to put the time in you can be successful here.


  • After two months in here, I finally had my first 100% (MU) and 200% (GDX) on my own plays…wouldn’t have been possible without the concepts learned in this group and the patience built up by watching the mods and other experienced traders do their thing. Boy what a confidence builder! Stay vigilant and stick to your rules and eventually it will work out. Wins like this make it so worth it. This group is awesome!!



Instruments we trade


We trade equity that are bottomed with good fundamentals. We encourage trading but also buying and holding certain instruments in long term portfolios based on fundamental due diligence.​


We trade weekly and monthly options. We teach scaling in and out methods as well as staying nimble and adjusting to the market conditions. We teach about delta, gamma, and theta, and how to maximize your return.​


Debit spreads, credit spreads, iron condors, etc. We teach how to best utilize these tools to derisk yourself in volatile markets. Perfect trading for those who cannot pay attention to the market constantly and are willing to take a slight risk.​


We trade/invest in crypto that have bottomed out and have major potential with due diligence and chart analysis

How are we different?


Experience is everything in this business. With many years in trading, our moderators are able to fine tune their trades


Our main focus is education. Anyone can tell you a good trade, but our team focuses on educating our members so that they can pick their own trades


We focus largely on our community. Strength in numbers and supporting one another.